DCDC18R 12 to 18 Vdc Boost Regulator


The DCDC18R Boost Regulator accepts an 11 to 16 Vdc input and boosts it to 18 Vdc, allowing a vehicle to recharge CR3000, CR5000, or CR23X sealed rechargeable batteries. The DCDC18R conveniently attaches to the side of the sealed rechargeable base next to the charger input.

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Detailed Description

Supply voltage from the vehicle is connected to the DCDC18R's Vin terminals. Regulated voltage to charge the datalogger’s sealed rechargeable power supply are sourced from the Vout terminals.


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR10X (retired)
CR200 (retired)
CR23X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Mounting Equipment

Product Compatible Note


Product Compatible Note
CR211 (retired)
CR216 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Enclosure Considerations

A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The DCDC18R includes built-in keyhole flanges for mounting to the backplate of a Campbell Scientific enclosure.


Maximum Input Current 2.25 A
Input Voltage 11 to 16 Vdc
Output Voltage 18 Vdc ±5%
Quiescent Current 4 mA
Output Current up to 1.0 A
Power Conversion Efficiency 80 to 90%
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +60°C
Dimensions 6.4 x 8.6 x 2.8 cm (2.5 x 3.4 x 1.1 in.)
Weight 91 g (3 oz)


Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to DCDC18R: 1

  1. The CR3000 rechargeable lead-acid battery base requires more than 16 Vdc to properly charge the batteries. The DCDC18R Boost Regulator was designed for this purpose. Failure to use the DCDC18R with the lead-acid rechargeable battery base will result in permanently damaged batteries. (The batteries will remain below deep-discharge levels.)

    The CR3000 internal lead-acid batteries are used whenever the car battery is too low to power the data logger (less than 11 V). For example, when the engine is turned off or during start-up when the vehicle battery voltage drops due to starter current demands.

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Replacement Part for the following products:

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