Campbell Scientific now offers the SG000 Strike Guard, an optical-coincidence lightning sensor. The SG000 detects cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning within a 20-mi radius. To prevent false alarms, the SG000 requires an optical signal to coincide with a magnetic-field-change signal before reporting lightning.

The SG000 is used in conjunction with our CS110 Electric Field Meter to create a complete lightning-threat measurement and analysis system. This system combines the advantages of two complementary lightning-warning technologies. The CS110 reports electric fields associated with local thunderstorm development—providing a warning prior to lightning strikes. The SG000 reports actual lightning strikes occurring at distances up to 20 mi—providing a comfortable warning time for incoming storms.

The SG000 and CS110 are typically mounted on the same tripod or pole. They communicate via a fiber-optic link (the FC100) that offers enhanced reliability in the lightning environment. The system’s results can be displayed on the Internet and viewed on local and remote computers.

The SG000 and CS110 can provide a robust lightning warning and detection system for a variety of applications. Outdoor spectator events such as ball games, golf tours, and soccer matches can use this system to protect players and fans. Public swimming pools and other outdoor venues would also benefit.

Additionally, the system is ideal for manufacturing facilities. For example, a system using the SG000 and CS110 is currently operating at Barrick Gold Corporation’s Lagunas Norte mine in the highlands of Peru (a particularly lightning-prone region). The system warns of lightning danger, prompting evacuations that protect hundreds of workers. It then indicates when the danger has passed, allowing work to recommence as soon as possible.


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