Campbell Scientific offers and recommends the cards shown in this product category. The datalogger must have OS 25 or higher to read a CF card with more than 2 GB of storage.
The CFMC256M is a 256 MB, industrial-grade CompactFlash card that has been selected specifically to provide optimum performance and extreme reliability. It is used with the CFM100, NL115, or CF1 to more
The CFMC2G is a 2 GB, industrial-grade CompactFlash card that has been selected specifically to provide optimum performance and extreme reliability. It is used with the CFM100, NL115, or CF1 to more
The CFMC16G is a 16 GB, industrial-grade CompactFlash card that has been selected specifically to provide optimum performance and extreme reliability. It is used with the CFM100, NL115, more
The CF1 adapter allows PCMCIA slots to store and read data on a CompactFlash (CF) card. Devices with a PCMCIA slot include PCs, CR5000 data loggers, CR9000X-series data loggers, and the CR9080 PAM more